Sunday, October 21, 2007

Narendra Modi karan thapar cnnibn

"Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi walked out of an exclusive interview with Karan Thapar on CNN-IBN's Devil's Advocate because he was questioned about Godhra. Narendra Modi walked out of the interview less than five minutes after it started in Gandhinagar on Friday."

Narendra Modi walked out of the show. why ?

Because he had no answer ?
Because Karan thapar touched the Raw nerve ?
Because he was feared of getting exposed ?

No. No. No.

It looks foolish when people say that Narendra Modi dar gaya.
It looks foolish when people upload that video on youtube with the title Real face of narendra modi.

I think......... Narendra Modi did the right thing by not answering the that useless question.
He is CM of Gujarat. He has many works on Hand. He did the right thing but not answering the question which he has answered earlier. He walked out because he realized that this people don't have anything to ask other than godhra. all the 5 questions asked were for godhra incident only.
why people don't want to forget now ?

Narendra Modi is a CEO of Gujarat & rules like a business man. Businessmen should not waste their time in silly interviews. Go Narendra Modi Go. Keep it up.